
Trying to wrap things up

The end of the year always gets me going on cleaning things up and wrapping up loose ends (I just cleaned out my desk drawers in the office, love that feeling!). Back in November I promised a finished photo of the vanity, well just yesterday we finally hung up the mirror and I moved my make-up and hair supplies in. We set it up in the newly painted "closet" room or the fourth and smallest bedroom. Yes I stood in the closet to take this photo:


I can't wait to use it to get ready for work in the mornings! I need to figure out a better solution than having my blowdryer, flat iron, etc in a pile on the floor though. Any suggestions?


Amanda said...

Ah I have been waiting for a photo of this. It looks great!

Glinda said...

Great job!!! I like seeing a bit of my M-L in the reflection, too. =D Really nice job...and no ideas for the hair appliances. That's kind of what I have, too!! Just a basket full.

Amanda said...



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