
I voted!

On Tuesday I had to stand in line for an hour to vote, and get this, we had punch cards! Crazy, but I waited, and I voted. And now the politics can end!

Yesterday I did stay home and not work. It was lovely. I slept in, got my laundry done, went for a run (which actually sucked because it was windy and cold out), watched a lot of The O.C., went to Target and the grocery store. I managed to keep my mind off the phone not ringing, not that I expect it to before tomorrow. I don't even know if I expect it to tomorrow even though they said they would call by then. I refuse to get really anxious about it unless it gets to the end of the day Monday and I haven't heard anything.

Normally on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have been going for a walk outside in the morning during the time I run on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This morning my outdoor thermometer said 41 F! Ahh!! So I have started to migrate to my winter exercise plan. When it is too cold to go out in the morning I will either do yoga in my room or (and this is what I am doing today) come into work early and do cardio after work in the gym. See this wouldn't be such a problem in CA!

I want to start decorating for Chirstmas! And I don't feel like I can since I don't know if I will be moving, plus, well there just isn't room in the apartment for a tree. Sure I can put up the stuff at Mom and Dad's in three weeks when I am home for Thanksgiving. Hmm, I wonder if there will be snow then? Dad and I could go ski at Greek Peak! Oh I just checked their webpage, they don't expect to open until the week after that! How sad. Maybe we can go over Christmas. Of course that means taking my skis home along with all my holiday stuff! Won't that be fun!

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